Dear parents,
We have just completed our Measurement unit in Math. This Measurement unit focused on calculating perimeter and area of squares and rectangles. One of the big components of the math curriculum is being able to solve multi-step word problems. In French Immersion, there is an added layer of difficulty as the word problems are in French. In class, we have been working on strategies for how to solve these math word problems. I have shown the students a strategy of how to break down the word problem into "What I know," "The steps I am going to take," and "I show all my work." We will be continuing to work on math word problems and strategies for answering these questions into our next math unit. I gave students a short quiz last week in an attempt to help them boost up their marks for the Measurement unit. Overall, most students seem to have a strong grasp of how to calculate perimeter and area. The difficulty many students run into is understanding the word problems and then applying their understanding of perimeter and area to the multi-step questions. Some students are still struggling with reading the French word problem which is a common struggle for French Immersion students. I feel strongly that the more students read in French, the stronger their French will become in all subject areas. Many students have brought home a quiz that they will likely need to review at home with a parent. Have your child read you the questions, have them explain what they understand about the question to you. Many students were given a supplementary activity to complete at home in order to help them improve their overall mark for this unit. If you would like your child to have more practice with perimeter and area word problems, please click here for a few more examples in French that your child can work on. We will continue to work on the word problems in our new unit, and I am confident that with practice, the students will become more proficient in answering these types of questions. Please let me know if you have any questions.
-Mlle Segreto