Friday, January 16, 2015

Ski Trip Reminders for Monday

This is a reminder that Monday, January 19th is our Ski Trip! 

I had the students write down this list of reminders, but I also wanted to pass the reminders on to the parents. 

Here are the reminders for Monday's trip:
-Please set your alarms and make sure to arrive at school for 7:30am on Monday morning. 
- Please encourage your child to eat a big, healthy breakfast. 
-Pack a lunch or bring money for the cafeteria. 
-No scarves are allowed while skiing. 
-Please dress in layers and wear warm clothes as it is likely to be chilly on Monday.
-Please wear waterproof outerwear: gloves, snow-pants, jackets, etc.
- If your child has ski goggles, he or she is encouraged to bring them as Snow Valley does not provide goggles. Or they can bring sunglasses. 
- If your child has an epi-pen or puffer, he/she must ski with this on them at all times
- The bus is aiming to be back at the school between 5 and 5:30pm on Monday so please plan to meet your child at school then. 

If you have any questions, please email me and I will try to reply this weekend. It is going to be a fantastic trip which I know the students are looking forward to! The weather is going to be chilly but hopefully sunny!! Have a great weekend. 

-Mlle Segreto