Tuesday, January 27, 2015

English Narrative Good Copies & Descriptive Feedback

The students have been busy writing English narrative texts (Myths and Legends) in class. The students have completed their rough copies and today they received my descriptive feedback to help them improve the rough copy in order to make their final good copy the best it can be. I also included another copy of the rubric so students can refer back to the rubric when they are working on the good copy.

Students are now responsible for writing out the good copy, either by hand or by typing it. The good copy is due Monday Feb 2nd, or sooner if possible. They should work on this a little every night, so that Sunday night they are not staying up late to finish!  Students are responsible for independently proofreading their work and checking it for spelling and grammar mistakes. Learning how to use Spell Check is a skill I am encouraging students to practice. Spell Check is not always correct, so they need to think about what Spell Check is suggesting before accepting the changes. In order to proofread the final copy, students are encouraged to print a copy first if possible, read it out loud to check for errors and then make changes before they hand in the final copy.

At home, you can read over the descriptive feedback I gave the students and discuss with your child how they are going to improve their work to make the good copy even better. We will be creating a class book with the final versions of these narratives so that students have the opportunity to read their classmates' work.

Thank you for supporting your child at home with this project. Please let me know if you have any questions. If you do not have a printer at home, students are encouraged to email me their final document.

-Mlle Segreto