Students have been working on research skills in class and how to use the Internet for research. We have been focusing on how to narrow down what key words to use for searching online. It has been quite an eye opening experience for some students. For our current social studies unit, we are focusing on communities and students will be researching Aboriginal communities in the coming weeks. This mini project was to help give students a chance to practice basic research skills.
Students were asked to imagine that there family is moving to Montréal and they had to research the things they would like have in their new community. Most students have finished their research in class, however some students need to finish this at home. The mind map where students compiled their research is due Thursday May 7th. For students who do not have access to a computer or Internet at home, they can come in at recess to finish on Thursday. Please let me know if you have any questions.
- Mlle Segreto