Dear Parents:
I want to let you know that it is VERY hot, humid and sticky in Area 45! There is very little air flow on the third floor, even with all the windows open. Please send your child to school with a large re-fillable water bottle every day. There have been many students this week complaining of the heat and I do feel their pain! I stressed to everyone the importance and staying hydrated by drinking at least 2 liters of water while they are at school. Students should also come to school with a hat and it's best if they don't run around at full speed the whole recess or else they will get dehydrated! Hopefully the heat wave will lift later this week, but we still have the whole month of June to go! Whenever possible, I will try to take the class outside to do our work under a tree in the shade. Unfortunately the reality is that it's very hot on the 3rd floor, but we will make the best of it! Please make sure to send your child ready for the day with water and a hat. Thanks!
-Mlle Segreto