The weekly meeting schedule is as follows:
Week 1: Role sheet and week 1 questions for Wednesday, April 22nd.
Week 2: Role sheet and week 2 questions for Wednesday, April 29th.
Week 3: Role sheet and week 3 questions for Thursday, May 7th. (N.B. Field trip on Wednesday this week, so moved to Thurs May 7.)
Week 4: Role sheet and week 4 questions for Wednesday, May 13th.
Week 5: Role sheet and week 5 questions for Wednesday, May 20th.
For the next 5 weeks, you can encourage your child to read their novel every night and work on the weekly questions and role sheet as soon as they finished reading the assigned weekly chapters. I do not want students reading ahead of the assigned chapters as they might spoil the ending for other members in their group. I am confident that all the students are going to show me how responsible they can be by completing their weekly questions on time for each meeting. I am looking forward to a successful literature circle program! Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your support at home with this program.
-Mlle Segreto