A Field Trip form was sent home last week for the Kids World of Energy Festival. The trip will take place on May 6th and we will be going to the Evergreen Brick Works for a full day of learning. The cost is $6. The focus of the trip is energy conservation; ways students can improve our environment and conserve electricity. Also, students who built wind turbines from around the city will be displaying their wind turbines as well as some of the Dewson Grade 5 wind turbines will be on display! If you are able to volunteer, please indicate this on the trip form. Please return the trip form as soon as possible.
On Saturday, May 9th there will be a FREE Community Day at the Kids World of Energy Festival where the festival will be open to the public. You may be interested in going back to the festival with your child on the Saturday as there is lots to see and we won't see everything during our field trip on May 6th. For more information about the festival, you can visit: http://www.treceducation.ca/our-programs/festival
Please let me know if you have any questions.
-Mlle Segreto