Monday, March 23, 2015

Welcome Back!

I was glad to be back in Area 45 today and I know I the students were happy to be back as well! 

Here are a few updates that are important to keep on the radar:

Thursday is Jr. Music Night:
Everyone in Area 45 will be participating in the Jr Music Night this Thursday March 26. Students need to arrive at school at 6:30pm and go to Area 4, the show starts at 7pm. A note went home Monday with all the details.You can download a copy of the letter here.

Cereal Box Media Literacy Project:
The good copy of this project is due Monday March 30th. Students will be given one more work period on Friday afternoon to complete this. If they do not finish it Friday at school, they will need to complete it at home over the weekend.

Math: End of Probability Unit:
This week students will be having their end of unit Math test for the Probability Unit. They will be having a quiz Tuesday, completing a unit review and then writing the test on Thursday. 

Indoor & Outdoor Shoes: Our students have PHE twice a week outside, and therefore Mary Ann is asking students to have indoor and outdoor shoes at school. This is most important now while the field is muddy. I realize having 2 pairs of shoes is expensive, so this is not mandatory.

Scholastics orders due Monday March 30th

Choir Blue Jays Game Form & money due April 2

Here is a photo of our homework wall which I update every day with important info. Students should be writing down these important details in their agendas! Check in with your child to see if they are writing down these important messages in their agendas please! Merci!