Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Dress for Success - Winter Gear

As you may or may not know, the students have two Health and Physical Education (HPE) classes outside each week. Please take a minute to review what clothing students need for these outdoor classs. Here is the message from the HPE teacher, Mary Ann Kowal:

The weather is getting colder but that doesn't mean we stop playing and learning outside.  HPE classes will continue outside as long as it is not -20 Celsius with or without the wind chill.  Dressing appropriately for HPE is as fundamental as having pencils and paper in other subject areas.  Students are encouraged to dress in layers with thermal wear (in addition to snow pants if possible), mitts, hats, neck warmers and insulated boots for outdoor HPE classes.  All clothing should be labelled with students' first and last names to prevent loss.  Students are also encouraged to always wear this proper outerwear for HPE class even if they think they don't need it so as to avoid unnecessary trips to classrooms.  As a result, layers of clothing can be easily removed or added to maintain comfortable body temperature before, during and after physical activity.  When students also dress appropriately for recesses, DPA , field trips as well as HPE the experience is much more enjoyable.

Let's practice being responsible and resilient this winter by dressing appropriately. DRESS FOR SUCCESS!